January 2005: Read our report, Six years of knowledge networking in learning sciences and technologies. It presents a series of in-depth reflections about the work of the Center for Innovative Learning Technologies. The Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CILT) was founded in October 1997 with a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to stimulate the development and study of important, technology-enabled solutions to critical problems in K-14 science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) learning. Four "theme teams" focused the efforts in areas of highest promise. CILT events, often workshops organized by theme, provided a collaborative forum in which people in the learning science community met to assess the progress of the field, define research agendas, and initiate new collaborations. Many of these collaborations form seed grants funded by CILT. In addition to these successful CILT programs, CILT has generated many resources for the learning science community, including tools, publications, and NetCourses. |
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The CILT team led an interactive structured poster session at AERA 2003 entitled: CILT's Reflections on "Uniting People, Technology and Powerful Ideas for Learning". This poster session served as one of a culminating set of activities for this five and a half year project. In addition to the CILT Reflections session, the CILT Design Principles Database team led a poster session on The CILT Design Principles Database: A New Form of Synthesis for Technology-Based Curriculum Design. The session featured both specific design principles from a variety of educational technology designers and researchers, and fostered a discussion about the process of identifying design principles for the learning technology community. Please note: As CILT readies its closing, the Seed Grant Program has ended; no new funds will be distributed. |