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This is a quick tour through a variety of visualization and modeling tools that demonstrate some of the affordances of visualization and modeling for learning. This list is not exhaustive by any means; one of the goals of this seminar is to develop a broad framework for thinking about the range of affordance of visualization and modeling tools, as well as the challenges educators face to using these tools successfully in classroom settings.
+ Increased resources - High bandwidth hierarchical interaction - Parallel perceptual processing - Offload work from cognition to perception - Expand working memory - Expand storage of information + Reduced search - Locality of processing - High data density - Spatially indexed addressing + Enhanced recognition of patterns - Recognition, not recall - Abstraction and aggregation - Visual schemata for organization - Value, relationship, trend + Perceptual inference - Visual representations make some problems obvious - Graphical computations - Perceptual monitoring - Manipulable medium (different affordances of vis)
Example: multi-digit multiplication.
Example: mapping earthquakes.
Example: WorldWatcher displays of solar reflection
Example: Heat Bars from Computers, Teachers, Peers.
Example: dynamic periodic table
Example: Interactive Physics
Example: Stagecast Creator
2. Visualization groups related information spatially
3. Visual perception may reveal patterns not easily seen otherwise
4. Visualizations may show change over time
5. Visualizations may be manipulated
6. Simulation environments are highly interactive and model the properties and causal mechanisms of specific domains
7. General purpose modeling environments allow users to define properties and observe emergent behavior